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「証券決済革命」の第1幕は、2018年春に予定される国債決済期間の短縮である。日本市場は2012 年4月アウトライト取引 及びSCレポ取引 のT+2、GCレポ取引のT+1(以下総称して「T+2」)を実現した。革命の第1幕はその「T+1」 への完全移行を目指す。

「証券決済革命」の第2幕は、2019年に予定される株式等の決済期間の短縮である。日本市場は2007年の証券決済DVP化、2009年の株券電子化などを通じて、証券決済システムの高度化に取り組んできたが、株式の受渡日は「T+3(約定日から起算して4営業日目の受渡)」である。革命の第2幕は、その「T+2」 への完全移行を目指す。



期間短縮の流れに対し、日本市場はどう対応してきたか?セレントの「決済期間短縮(国債T+1 / 株式等T+2)対応サーベイ2016」の結果に基づくと、以下のとおりである。

  • 市場参加者の大半は株式等決済の影響度を見極めつつ、国債決済のT+1及び新現先市場への対応に注力している。

  • 現状は不可避な制度改正対応に終始しており、着実ではあるが漸進的な歩みであり、決してダイナミックで前倒しの取り組みとは言えない。

  • 日本国債や株式のグローバル化への期待が9割を超え、非居住者取引の進展、ユーティリティサービス(ITOやBPOなど)の新たなITソーシングモデルの進展への期待も大きい。





「証券決済革命」に際して、セレントは「モジュラー・フィナンシャルサービス」への移行を提唱する。そのアーキテクチャは、I) 顧客経験の管理、II) 商品サービスの管理、プロセスの管理、リスクの管理、III) インフラの管理、の3つの階層的なモジュール群から構成される。今回の制度改正対応は、III) 「インフラの管理」が焦点である。




Robust Corporate Governance is a Must
Demi Derem discusses the business challenges faced by the custodian and asset servicing communities.
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The Five Governance Questions Issuers and Investors Need to Ask

Drive Transformation

Broadridge Financial Solutions recently engaged CEB, a best practice insight and technology company, to survey senior executives at wealth management firms regarding the evolution toward an advice-first business strategy. That survey produced key findings:

  • We have reached the tipping point where wealth management firms are leading with advice and no longer focusing on product in delivering recommendations to clients.
  • Overall, executives are concerned with technology rather than on business process in achieving their new strategy.
  • Firms believe they have much of the technology in place, but need help either maximizing capabilities or re-thinking how existing functionality applies to an advisory strategy.

Learn what wealth management firms need to know to drive towards realizing a new advice strategy. Grow the value of the customer experience, increase the productivity of advisors, and empower growth.

Don’t miss the transformation. Download our new white papertoday.

Industry Transformation
Global Custodian talks to Tim Gokey about how technology and business models are enabling change.
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The Five Governance Questions Issuers and Investors Need to Ask

Drive Transformation

Broadridge Financial Solutions recently engaged CEB, a best practice insight and technology company, to survey senior executives at wealth management firms regarding the evolution toward an advice-first business strategy. That survey produced key findings:

  • We have reached the tipping point where wealth management firms are leading with advice and no longer focusing on product in delivering recommendations to clients.
  • Overall, executives are concerned with technology rather than on business process in achieving their new strategy.
  • Firms believe they have much of the technology in place, but need help either maximizing capabilities or re-thinking how existing functionality applies to an advisory strategy.

Learn what wealth management firms need to know to drive towards realizing a new advice strategy. Grow the value of the customer experience, increase the productivity of advisors, and empower growth.

Don’t miss the transformation. Download our new white papertoday.

Restructuring for Profitability
Broadridge and Institutional Investor partnered to deliver a first-of-its kind survey of equity analysts covering investment banks globally.
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The Five Governance Questions Issuers and Investors Need to Ask

Drive Transformation

Broadridge Financial Solutions recently engaged CEB, a best practice insight and technology company, to survey senior executives at wealth management firms regarding the evolution toward an advice-first business strategy. That survey produced key findings:

  • We have reached the tipping point where wealth management firms are leading with advice and no longer focusing on product in delivering recommendations to clients.
  • Overall, executives are concerned with technology rather than on business process in achieving their new strategy.
  • Firms believe they have much of the technology in place, but need help either maximizing capabilities or re-thinking how existing functionality applies to an advisory strategy.

Learn what wealth management firms need to know to drive towards realizing a new advice strategy. Grow the value of the customer experience, increase the productivity of advisors, and empower growth.

Don’t miss the transformation. Download our new white papertoday.

Blockchain in Financial Markets: How to Gain an Edge
Broadridge and Bain & Company partnered to deliver a market study on the strategic impact of Distributed Ledger Technology on the financial market ecosystems.
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The Five Governance Questions Issuers and Investors Need to Ask

Drive Transformation

Broadridge Financial Solutions recently engaged CEB, a best practice insight and technology company, to survey senior executives at wealth management firms regarding the evolution toward an advice-first business strategy. That survey produced key findings:

  • We have reached the tipping point where wealth management firms are leading with advice and no longer focusing on product in delivering recommendations to clients.
  • Overall, executives are concerned with technology rather than on business process in achieving their new strategy.
  • Firms believe they have much of the technology in place, but need help either maximizing capabilities or re-thinking how existing functionality applies to an advisory strategy.

Learn what wealth management firms need to know to drive towards realizing a new advice strategy. Grow the value of the customer experience, increase the productivity of advisors, and empower growth.

Don’t miss the transformation. Download our new white papertoday.

CNBC Interview
CNBC interview with Vijay Mayadas, SVP and Global Head of Corporate Strategy & Fixed Income at Broadridge, on how to gain an edge with Blockchain in Financial Markets.
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The Five Governance Questions Issuers and Investors Need to Ask

Drive Transformation

Broadridge Financial Solutions recently engaged CEB, a best practice insight and technology company, to survey senior executives at wealth management firms regarding the evolution toward an advice-first business strategy. That survey produced key findings:

  • We have reached the tipping point where wealth management firms are leading with advice and no longer focusing on product in delivering recommendations to clients.
  • Overall, executives are concerned with technology rather than on business process in achieving their new strategy.
  • Firms believe they have much of the technology in place, but need help either maximizing capabilities or re-thinking how existing functionality applies to an advisory strategy.

Learn what wealth management firms need to know to drive towards realizing a new advice strategy. Grow the value of the customer experience, increase the productivity of advisors, and empower growth.

Don’t miss the transformation. Download our new white papertoday.

Broadridge Company Overview (Japanese sub-titles).
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The Five Governance Questions Issuers and Investors Need to Ask

Drive Transformation

Broadridge Financial Solutions recently engaged CEB, a best practice insight and technology company, to survey senior executives at wealth management firms regarding the evolution toward an advice-first business strategy. That survey produced key findings:

  • We have reached the tipping point where wealth management firms are leading with advice and no longer focusing on product in delivering recommendations to clients.
  • Overall, executives are concerned with technology rather than on business process in achieving their new strategy.
  • Firms believe they have much of the technology in place, but need help either maximizing capabilities or re-thinking how existing functionality applies to an advisory strategy.

Learn what wealth management firms need to know to drive towards realizing a new advice strategy. Grow the value of the customer experience, increase the productivity of advisors, and empower growth.

Don’t miss the transformation. Download our new white papertoday.

Global Post Trade Management (Japanese)
Watch how Global Post Trade Management solution can energize capital markets, enabling agile business growth.
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